Press Kit
Animated Shortfilm / México / 6 min
This is our first independent project, a beautiful short film in which we put all our heart and soul.
Directed by Javier Méndez Lafón, tells a story based on a memory of his childhood, dedicating this short film to all those people who have left us an invaluable legacy and teachings.
"A kid find his passion through the experience of his grandfather, all of those teachings come alive in a truly wonderful way."


The birth of an idea
When I was around 8 years old, I used to go to my grandfather's carpentry workshop to see what he made. One of my grandfather's hobbies was making models of small houses.
I helped him make some of them, and I was amazed to see what our hands are capable of doing.
Years later when my grandfather was no longer with us, I visited his house and every corner had endless memories of my grandfather.
But without a doubt the most important memories were on a shelf that held the models we had made.
Staring at them, I looked at one in particular with the front door half open, and I imagined that I was so small that I could enter it.
Upon entering, what would I find inside? I asked myself.
And in my imagination I saw my grandfather living inside it, in an incredible paradise.

The Process
The entire process from the first drawing to the last render took 7 years
At first I did not have the necessary experience to make a short film, because it involves many processes and I did not have the budget to hire specialists.
It was until that same year that they hired me at an animation studio and there I met great friends and artists who taught me about different processes and some of them even joined the project.
Finding Resources
In December 2016, we launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, and with that we were able to finish Animation.
When the resources ran out, lighting and rendering still needed to be done. (Two of the most expensive processes)
It was then that the Huevocartoon animation studio contacted us to help them with the lighting process of their films, and in exchange they would let us render with their render farm. And with that support we could finish our short film

The power of ART
The most beautiful thing about art is that you can immortalize yourself through it.
And our message to all artists is: Enjoy what you do and don't forget to do it well, because what we do today is what we will be remembered for tomorrow.
Production Videos


